Browsing Archive: July, 2015

Rainy ambient music

Posted by Nik Chinook on Tuesday, July 28, 2015,
As I stood by the back doors looking out at the rain pour down upon our garden and surrounding woods I was inspired to pick up the guitar. After noodling a little, plugging into my Blackstar iBEAM amp and switching on the camera this is what happened.
Sorry for the dodgy sound quality but it was just the onboard camera mic.  The sound of the rain, however, blends in perfectly :)
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The Diorama in progress

Posted by Nik Heap on Sunday, July 19, 2015,
I've spent a lot of this weekend on this project and I'm absolutely loving it.
It falls somewhere between assemblage, set design,architectural modeling and environmental design!
Also there is this lovely sense of setting a scene for a drama to unfold, a story to play out; but I'm not sure yet whether I should make that story explicit, implicit or simply leave it open to interpretation.
The latter seems the obvious (and rather establishment art) way to go but I'm not sure. Perhaps it could be fun...
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Building Diorama

Posted by Nik Heap on Sunday, July 19, 2015,
New project underway as I begin cutting and assembling foam board, card, paper and assorted materials into an artwork I have vague mental images of and a couple of thumbnail sketches.
The theme was 'angry mob heading for the castle'.  That might be changing.  Funny way to spend your waking hours I know.

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