Moving this image on again and there's a lot of changes; some obvious but many quite subtle. At one point my notepad had a list of 25 changes to execute.
To name but a few; lights on in cafe, add moon, thin the drainpipes, reduce the railings scale, add steps / windows at end of tunnel, details of edna's room, add bicycle... and so on and so on. :)
Some of the details aren't so visible in this small jpg but on the full screen original the subtle colour effects and lighting is really working well. I'm now digging into the painting and finessing of surfaces and textures. An example is the steps - I'll try and include some shots of the basic render and my finished details.

The current state of the piece, with some of the changes mentioned above.
And below some enlargements to show the type of detailed work I'm currently doing.

That's a messy set of steps!