Copic Marker Stand for £3
Posted by Nik Chinook on Friday, February 5, 2016

This is all about distraction and procrastination. What I really should have been doing is working on the art; what I actually did for a couple of hours is make a little box/stand for the small selection of Copic markers I have (and love).
You see, even with the small selection I have, it soon gets annoying as the roll off the desk, under the drawing board, get colour order/tones mixed up etc. I'd had a look at some ready to buy stands by copic and others but they're all silly money. And frankly there's more exciting things I could spend the cash on; more markers for instance!
I'd seen an Art Workstation tour by Baylee Jae on YouTube recently and she had made a really extensive marker stand with foamboard. I didn't need anything that impressive for my number of pens but it sure gave me a kick up the pants to make something myself.
I'd soon found a small storage box (of which I have dozens) that would do the job and also dug out some scraps of mountboard. I knew I'd kept all those useless offcut leftovers for a reason! :)
The most complicated bit was the measuring and marking up. But even that wasn't too bad as although it might look a complicated structure in the pics, it is actually only two parts, which are repeated!
A good cutter or in my case, new scalpel blade is essential as in all card/paper crafting. When all the parts were cut-out there was a bit of fettling to be done, just to compensate for my errors. Then I assembled the frame, popped it in the box and did my OCD organisation of the pens. Nobody was more surprised than me when it worked and looked 'ok'.
Now I really must get on with the art. Or I could delay by writing a blog about it. Oh I just did.
Raw materials

Panels measured and cut

Panels assembled

Not perfect - but not too bad.