Wiltshire Landscape Painting

August 23, 2013
Just thought I'd post this photo of a painting I did inspired by the stunning Wiltshire landscape you can enjoy as you travel the A303.  probably one of my favourite journeys / stretch of road in the world!

An here is the painting in-situ.

This painting is now for sale.  Please contact me if you would be interested in seeing it.



Castle Sketching

August 13, 2013
In Devon UK there are many castles and forts ranging from Iron Age through Medieval to this very late pastiche known as Castle Drogo which was built in the 1910s and 1920s for Julius Drewe to designs by architect Edwin Lutyens.  Obviously it's not a real military fortification but it has an interesting style and a fabulous location. It's currently undergoing some major re-roofing work for the next few years and is covered in massive scaffolding with most of the interior treasures packed away....
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Urban Sketchers (St Peters Rome)

August 13, 2013
Surprisingly, I didn't find much sketching inspiration in Rome.  I think it's because everything you draw comes out looking like something you've seen a million times before.  I had the same experience in Venice; I loved the city but painting or drawing it always resulted in yet another cliche´ picture that made me yawn.

  That said, they were short visits so I guess if I spent proper time there I should be able to find more original and interesting approaches.
Anyway, here is a load of column...
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Urban Sketch Hong Kong

August 13, 2013
This was drawn in the heart of Hong Kong island near to Hollywood road which is the art gallery hub of the city.  This particular small apartment block fascinated me; it was a dull grey colour and jutted out of its triangular site over the sidewalk like some huge battleship that had crashed into the street.

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Urban sketching

August 13, 2013
A few times in the past few years I've been able to indulge in some urban sketching.  I even ran a Sketchcrawl a few times around Exeter.  I've just been sorting through some old notebooks and folders and have found a few pieces of work that I thought I'd share here.
In Exeter there is a very pretty street (often used in film shoots) called Southernhay and I took a small group sketching there.  This is one of the pieces I did.

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Big Blue Sky - Small Square Canvas

July 20, 2013
It's hot, sunny, sweltering, bright, warm, sweaty, glorious and whispering with Devon countryside summery insectatude.
In the cool studio I'm listening to the church bells pealing for a distant wedding as I peel celophane away from this small square canvas of possibility.

Hmmm - lots to do if I'm gonna get enough paintings together for an autumn exhibition in Exeter
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