Oil on canvas 80x80cm

"An intense vision of the landscape"

A glimpse from the quite lush and overgrown woods to the distant land beyond.

I've always enjoyed painting woodland and often it is the margins of these ancient places where glimpses of the surrounding (often cultivated) landscapes seem framed by the trees.

As a child my main (virtually only) playgound was the woodland, fields, streams, seasonal ponds and hidden tracks around my home on the edge of Malvern. The atmosphere, lush beauty fragrence and flickering light of those adventures are at the heart of my artworks.

I feel my work aims to sit somewhere between the intense emotion of Samuel Palmer landscapes, the optical intensity of early Kandinski works.

I feel that the UK landscape is not the soft, safe, rather parochial subject as dismissed by some contemporary critics. It is a powerful and gutsy, intense, passionate, and often sublime gateway to meditation and understanding.

Study for Cathedral Woods